Don Diablo and Linus Loves Remix War
It’s about finals time for most of us, meaning a few of you will be reading this post while cooped up in the library or in your room studying. Shame on you. We here at Dancing Astronaut never stop. Don Diablo and Linus Loves can’t stop. Earlier in the fall, Linus Loves, the moniker for UK producer Duncan Reid, released the song “Prom Night.” Dutch producer Don Diablo (most famous recently for the song Hooligans with Example) immediately put out a money remix.
Not to be outdone, though, Linus Loves returned the favor by remixing Diablo’s newly released “I’m not from France” track. Just a warning, this song is pretty relaxed electro. Not the typical club banger stuff, but it might suit those of you who feel like sitting on a couch right now and chilling out to some good tunes.
Categories: Music