NERVO ft. Ollie James – Irresistible (Two Stunning Remixes!)
The original version of “Irresistible” has been played on my iPod…approximately 153 times since it has come out. The Sideways Extended mix has also racked up the plays. So naturally, I thought this is as good as the track is going to get. WRONG! Chuckie and Gregori Klosman kill this track to give us a huge DUTCH drop. If you don’t believe me..check it out for yourself at 1:45, unbelievable doesn’t even begin to do this drop the justice it deserves. TV Rock gives us a deep progressive track, and the build up is stunning! It starts at about 3:10 and continues until I am shivering from all the chills running down my back. Listening to both of these tracks makes me want to go to my local gym unplug whatever junk they currently have playing, insert my iPod, play these songs and have the best workout of my life. Nuff said…click play and go workout, not only will your ears be pleased, but the ladies will be all over our chiseled bodies!
BOMBER #1 (Chuckie and Gregori Klosman Remix)…
BOMBER #2 (TV Rock Vocal Mix)…
Release: Beatport
Categories: Music