Laidback Luke free ticket giveaway for Jan 1st at Ruby Skye SF
Here at Dancing Astronaut we think it is better to give AND receive than to just give. So when we got set up with press coverage for Laidback Luke’s show at Ruby Skye San Francisco on Jan 1st, New Years Day, we decided it would be better if our friends and family could come too… and by family we mean YOU. We will be giving away 3 pairs of tickets to go see Laidback Luke at Ruby Skye on Jan 1st. All you have to do is comment on this post saying you’d like the tickets and we will pick 3 people to award the pairs of tickets to. Contest closes December 28th at Noon Pacific time. We will announce the winner and give you your tickets no later than Noon December 29th. Happy Holidays!
HINT: Mention @dancingastronaut on Facebook and/or @dancingastro on Twitter, along with a link to this post, to increase your chances of winning.
Categories: Music