Afrojack & Quintino – Selecta (Misha Kitone & Danila Abramov Remix)
by: Danny Golpanian
Oct 24, 2011
A few months ago we introduced Dirtyloud’s remix of “Selecta,” thinking it was the best remix out. Well, the true winners – Misha Kitone & Danila Abramov have won the official remix contest for Afrojack and Quintino’s track, and they undeniably deserve it. This remix is the most extended remix of “Selecta” we’ve heard so far, with seven minutes and forty seconds of fully enticing house beats. The talented duo lead the track off by progressively building on the original melody. Right after “SELECTA!” is chanted, the track takes a tribal-like twist offering enticing drum combos and tons of white noise, reminiscent of Afrojack music!
Via: Twitter (Afrojack)
Purchase: Beatport
Categories: Music