Kaskade puts the ‘Freaks’ in ‘Freaks Of Nature’ with latest video

Headlining a tour with the title ‘Freaks of Nature‘ comes with certain expectations, both of the music, and the crowd. In his latest video, Kaskade reveals the true ‘freaks’ that have come out to his shows nationwide this summer. Go behind the scenes with the man himself, Fareoh, and dance music fans in Southern United States, ranging from Florida to Arizona. On the flip side of things, you get to see Ryan Raddon — father and husband — spend time with his family while on tour. This latest episode of FON portrays the diverse and extreme road life that Kaskade’s been living this summer, and of course, the over-the-top performances night after night.

For more Freaks Of Nature tour coverage, be sure to check out our review of his show at Coney Island.

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