Tomorrowland 2014’s aftermovie delivers 30 minutes of FOMOTomorrowland 2014 Day2 49

Tomorrowland 2014’s aftermovie delivers 30 minutes of FOMO

As the people of Tomorrow are preparing for Tomorrowland‘s American sister festival, TomorrowWorld, fans will find themselves thirsting even more with the arrival of the former’s official aftermovie. With each year the coveted event becomes significantly bigger and better in terms of visuals, aesthetics, and production – continuously holding down the fort as the world’s most powerful electronic dance music festival yet. It is seemingly impossible for competitors to top Tomorrowland, and its 32-minute aftermovie serves as pure evidence of why. Boom, Belgium, may forevermore be a destination filled with unadulterated magic, music and incredible experiences unlike that of any other location across the globe.

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