The Chainsmokers – Kanye feat. SirenXX (TKS Remix) [Free Download]Kanye Chainsmokers Tks

The Chainsmokers – Kanye feat. SirenXX (TKS Remix) [Free Download]

TKS, or Top Knotch Selektahs, hail from Los Angeles and San Diego, but their latest release suggests more worldly influences. Their new remix of The Chainsmokers hit “Kanye” bears virtually no resemblance to the original, with the vocal transformed into glitchy samples and snares overlaid onto a dark bassline. It’s more of a reinvention than a reworking, and will leave you wondering what these newcomers will produce — or remake — next. One thing is for certain, however: this is a name worth becoming familiar with. 

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