Booking agency Elastic Artists is holding payments for clients, citing ‘financial difficulties’Elastic Artists Payment

Booking agency Elastic Artists is holding payments for clients, citing ‘financial difficulties’

SFX is not the only business struggling financially. Booking agency Elastic Artists, which represents Âme, Dixon and others, recently sent a letter to its clients detailing the “financial difficulties” that have hit the company. Due to the lack of capital, Elastic Artists admits that it is unable to pay its clients for past shows. Now, the agency is looking into transferring ownership of the company to a new team. 

Elastic Artists’ letter attempts to assure clients that neither its “existing team of agents nor the company’s management are in any way implicated in the current problems, and none were privy to the underlying options until the past few days.” A number of artists, though, have been less than understanding and have publicly lashed out at the agency for retaining overdue funds. 

Booking agency Elastic Artists is holding payments for clients, citing ‘financial difficulties’Screen Shot 2015 11 25 At 12.20.51 PM

Via: Resident Advisor

