Steve Aoki discusses the economics behind his lucrative brand, calls streaming a “pension plan”
The lucrative cake-smashing, champagne-spraying persona of Steve Aoki has generated the Dim Mak boss millions of dollars over the past half decade with business ventures in fashion, corporate sponsorships, commercial royalties and mega-watt Las Vegas residency deals. These multiple income streams continue to place Aoki among EDM’s highest-paid acts year after year, most recently coming in at the number four spot with $24 million on Forbes’ Electronic Cash Kings of 2015.
Steve dropped by for a television interview with CNBC’s Andrew Sorkin where he dished on the economics behind his million-dollar brand and the financial impact streaming services such as Apple Music and Spotify are having on artists. The 37-year-old DJ/producer states, “There is still an income stream. You can’t say that we don’t make money off of that because we do. For me, I don’t look at it like ‘Oh, I got to get that check to make it through.’ It’s definitely more of a pension plan.” Watch the full interview above.
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