Montreal’s Stereo Nightclub to ban all guests caught using GHB
In an effort to put patrons’ health and safety first, Montreal’s Stereo Nightclub will ban guests who are caught using or possessing GHB, an anasthetic that is often used as a date rape drug. When used recreationally and consumed alongside alcohol, GHB can be deadly, causing respiratory arrest, vomiting or even a coma.
In light of the rampant drug use that takes place at dance music events, Stereo hopes to create a safer environment for attendees by putting a halt to the use of potentially lethal drugs. Read the club’s full statement below.
GHB with alcohol or alone is very dangerous because there is no way of judging the concentration of the drug. There is no desinformative anything here. This is total harm reduction. We are educated in this field and have sourced multiple specialists about this. We are not the police. We want our customers to be safe and if this is the only way to keep them safe…. well… c’est la vie.”
Those who seemed to be against this new rule were outraged that club organizers were singling out one specific drug. Many are calling Stereo “hypocritical” and “fear mongering” for enacting the new rule. But club organizers are standing their ground and remain focused on the safety of their patrons above all else.
Stereo encourages other nightclubs to enact a similar policy, as they realize that a progressive move like this will receive backlash from a select few in the community. They went on to state that, “Forward thinking is not easy and comes with a lot of negativity. Let’s bring back the good vibes without ambulances. No room for that in our world. 1 step at a time. We love you all.
Via: Magnetic Mag
Categories: Music