Tiësto trolls EDC into believing he’s MarshmelloMaresdefault 9

Tiësto trolls EDC into believing he’s Marshmello

The speculation over Marshmello’s identity has become insatiable. While the anonymous future bass producer has all but been confirmed to be Chris Comstock, or Dotcom, the DJ further occluded the matter with his performance from Sunday night at EDC. Marshmello ended his set by ‘unveiling’ his identity, only instead of a young Comstock under the mask, it was Dutch veteran Tïesto. Easily one of the trolls of the year, fans have been ablaze on social media after the fact, still perplexed by the news, and many actually believing Tijs Michiel Verwest is Marshmello.

Despite the fact that Marshmello was speaking on the mic without a Dutch accent throughout this entire performance — or the myriad of other reasons why it’s simply absurd that Tïesto would be the masked performer — fans are still holding on to the idea. At the end of the day, it’s just another marketing stunt, albeit a pretty hilarious one.

Watch the unveiling below:

If you needed any more evidence to support the claim that Tiësto is irrefutably not Marshmello (is this really necessary?), here’s a photo of the two standing together before the show:

Tiësto trolls EDC into believing he’s MarshmelloClaOCozVYAIMwcA 1
