Amsterdam’s Night Mayor to assist in revitalizing Sydney’s nightlifeAmsterdam Dance Event 2

Amsterdam’s Night Mayor to assist in revitalizing Sydney’s nightlife

The great city of Sydney, Australia has been struggling to keep up its nightlife and party scene ever since the NSW government introduced the controversial and now-infamous lockout laws in 2014. These laws arguably squashed the nightlife in the city by forcing bars, clubs and other music venues to shut down earlier and handing out harsher penalizations across the board.

With the Sydney mayor recently calling for exceptions to be made with regards to the laws, it has become apparent that the city is ramping up its effort to revitalize its party scene. The latest effort comes in the form of outside help from Amsterdam’s Night Mayor, Mirik Milan. As Night Mayor of one of the world’s most famous party cities, he is a top expert on how to create a safe, yet vibrant nightlife.

Milan will be giving a keynote speech at the fifth annual Electronic Music Conference (EMC) at the end of November this year. The EMC Programmer, Erin Flanagan, said of the nightlife mayor: “Milan’s knowledge and experience will be invaluable in our own city’s pursuit of a vibrant and safe nightlife.” Flanigan goes on to say how “Amsterdam has shown us and the rest of the world that it is possible to achieve this.”

H/T: Musicfeeds

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Sydney mayor calls for exceptions to the city’s notorious lockout laws

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