Slushii doubles down on happy hardcore in latest single, ‘Want You to Know’Screen Shot 2017 09 03 At 3.52.08 PM

Slushii doubles down on happy hardcore in latest single, ‘Want You to Know’

Slushii loves EDM. Through he through. He loves the energy. Now, he wants to make it as blatantly clear as possible that his fans know too — as if the producer hadn’t already — with his latest single “Want You to Know.” It’s an outright happy hardcore embrace, as Slushii moves past his heavier-handed deliverances and even his more alternative gems with the newly energetic departure.

Considering that the producer’s become virtually synonymous with the rambunctious air of EDM, his boisterous pop track isn’t the least bit unexpected. Perhaps he’ll continue to surprise us moving forward, though if he sticks to one style for a period of time, it’s a track like this, right in his comfort zone, that’ll ensure his relevance is sustained.

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