Marshmello launches gaming series, live from his Mello Cave every Friday
by: Lindsey Oh
Jun 27, 2018
Marshmello has become widely know for his vibrant music that bounces with his signature saw bass and catchy melodies, but there is more to the man behind this mask.
In the past months, Marshmello has been flaunting his talents outside of music whether it be in the form of a cooking show or teaming up with Fortnite masters such as Ninja. With more and more celebrities joining in the gaming scene, Marshmello now decides to create his own show where he will play a slew of games in his Mello Cave with other celebrities and gamers alike.
He will host a new episode every Friday on his YouTube channel, and in the preview below teases episodes of Rock Band with Jauz, Slushii and Ghastly, to FIFA, and even some Grand Theft Auto.