Gareth Emery and Emma Hewitt triumphantly reunite on ‘Take Everything’Nosec4 077

Gareth Emery and Emma Hewitt triumphantly reunite on ‘Take Everything’

Gareth Emery and Emma Hewitt have listened to heeding fans and reunited on a new track entitled “Take Everything.” While the two have crossed paths many times over the years — including to perform classics live at Emery’s Laserface shows and performances — it’s the first time the two have gotten together in the studio since their track “I Will Be The Same” from Emery’s 2011 album Northern Lights: Re-Lit.

“Take Everything” poignantly addresses both artists’ signature styles, tapping into emotion and the flow of melody through piano and layered production. “Take Everything” delivers on its expectations, creating inspiration and emotion that goes straight to the heart. Hewitt says, “It is a really powerful thing to sing that idea to life and to believe in new beginnings; I hope people take heart in the idea of new possibilities and the pages yet to be written…”

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