Spotify launches curated playlists for petsSpotify Pet Playlists

Spotify launches curated playlists for pets

In streaming giant Spotify‘s latest strategic move, the Swedish company has unveiled a new playlist offering tailored specifically for pets. Dubbed Pet Playlists, the algorithmically-curated playlists generate around 30 tracks based on basic information filled out by users. The launch follows growing initiatives by Spotify into capitalizing on both their personalized playlist offerings including On Repeat and Repeat Rewind and other exclusive features such as a “create podcast” button and “Tastebuds.”

Pet Playlists has been customized for five different pet animals including dogs, cats, birds, iguanas, and hamsters. Users are prompted to fill out a few personality traits about their pets. Spotify’s technology then analyzes mutual music preferences between users and their pets and syncs user song libraries to curate a final selection.

Spotify conducted a global online survey that showed 71% of pet owners play music for their pets. In researching the development of the playlist algorithm, the digital platform tapped musicologist David Teie—whose expertise as a multi-composer of music for cats and America’s National Symphony Orchestra cellist helped influence the resulting algorithm.

H/T: Billboard

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