House meets Middle Eastern inflection in sweltering fashion on Dayna Roman’s ‘Petra’
At the intersection of Middle Eastern inflection and house sits a tantalizing production positioned to turn heads. Its title derives from a historical city and desert based in Jordan, the country in which the woman behind “Petra,” Dayna Roman, was born. Following Roman’s 2020 debut, forged via “My Love,” “Petra” is a potent tally of components: a steal-showing beat, bass, culturally influenced samples, and a sultry appeal.
The sweltering single brings heat to speakers in an arresting, attention-commanding fashion that favorably anticipates more genre-enriching originals to come from the Scratch Academy graduate, who cut her teeth playing New York Fashion Week parties and XO, LIVINCOOL, A.S. Roma, and Real Madrid parties. Envisioning an ethnically influenced take on house music that borrows from her own roots, Roman is a breath of fresh air in an electronic area that can, at times, be belabored by familiar sound constructions. Available to stream in full below, “Petra” speaks for itself. Its takeaway? Roman is one to keep your eye on—take Dancing Astronaut‘s word for it.
Categories: Music