ViroMusic converts COVID-19 genetic code into NFT audio collectionLQIIywdQ9pOW0ITh L94URMgrH D7oHBRk049Ioylvk E1640321044589

ViroMusic converts COVID-19 genetic code into NFT audio collection

An eccentric new collection of audio NFTs has hit the blockchain market. Employing “a technique called DNA Sonification,” ViroMusic has transcribed COVID-19‘s genetic code into an assortment of musical compositions. By assigning musical notes to each of coronavirus’ 21 codons found in its DNA sequence, ViroMusic has managed to sonically reproduce actual songs reflecting the infection’s genetic patterns. Safeguarding the project’s integrity, the digital brand explained,

“Not a single note has been altered—it’s a direct musical representation of the viral code. The idea for this collection was born from an awe of the beauty in the code of life.”

Thus far, ViroMusic has sold one of their “Songs Made by the Virus” since launching earlier this month. Buyers receive the ambient audio track as well as information regarding the specific COVID-19 genetic sequence that the arrangement corresponds to. The going rate for items in the collection stands at 0.07 Ethereum, approximately 280 USD. ViroMusic emphasized in a statement,

“We hope this project helps raise awareness that even a virus capable of inflicting such misery is fundamentally based on the same code as every living thing on Earth.”

The NFT collection is currently on sale via Rarible. Watch the official informational video below.

Featured image: Unsplash/Fusion Medical Animation

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