Keeld, Frents reunite on SANS MERCI for delivery of long-awaited Secret Room 2 ID, ‘Not A Test’Screen Shot 2022 01 23 At 8.40.04 PM

Keeld, Frents reunite on SANS MERCI for delivery of long-awaited Secret Room 2 ID, ‘Not A Test’

There were only a handful of IDs still left on the board from DJ Snake and Malaa’s second trip into the Secret Room from February 2021, including ACRAZE’s “Brooklyn” from our most-anticipated releases list. One of them has now received the green release light nearly a year later, courtesy of both Keeld—who appeared on the latter’s Illegal Mixtape Vol. 3 tracklist—and Frents who partner up for the long-awaited deliverance of “Not A Test.”

“Not A Test” had remained a fan-favorite ID from the Pardon My French tandem’s stream from the moment it entered and isn’t the first time Keeld and Frents have crossed paths. Serving as a sequel to “Moving Up“—their Confession-hosted pairing from 2020—”Not A Test” brings the two Frenchmen back together for a trip through Tony Romera’s SANS MERCI with a rumbling convergence of bass- and tech-house.

Featured image: Keeld/Instagram

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