Hardwell crosses bigroom nostalgia with new-age techno sound on ‘REMINISCE’
We’ll (likely) be presented with a stream of a new Hardwell set this weekend for the first time since Ultra’s Bayfront Park homecoming. But before the Revealed Recordings boss makes his way to Croatia on Sunday for the grand finale of Ultra Europe, he’s got business to take care of on the Rebels Never Die front. We’ve now passed the three-month mark of his bimonthly single downpour and there’s still just over two months left to go before the album tracklist becomes whole on September 16, with Hardwell cashing in his ninth Ultra ID—following his Zane Lowe sitdown the week prior—and turning it into the ninth Rebels Never Die preview, “Reminisce.”
Out of the nine distinctive looks into Rebels Never Die that we’ve gotten thus far, “Reminisce” feels like the one single that would most cater to those looking for that vintage, early-2010s bigroom heart on Hardwell’s album. Considering it genuinely holds true yet once more, we’re just going to repeat ourselves from the last nine single articles in saying that Hardwell’s untouchable level of mixing and mastering stands center stage on the lossless version of “Reminisce.” And it’s a fifty-fifty split of that forenamed synth-packed bigroom nostalgia—toeing the line of being self-aware of that stylistic reflection with the track title and lyrics—and Hardwell’s techno-induced rebirth that he’s continued to upgrade through each and every album outing we’ve seen. Put “Reminisce” on repeat and count down the hours until Hardwell’s Ultra Europe set on July 10 at 9:30 PM ET.
Featured image: Idan Horta
Categories: Music