FSL offers a trepid look at lost human connections through ‘A.I. On the Inside’FSL AI ON THE INSIDE 02

FSL offers a trepid look at lost human connections through ‘A.I. On the Inside’

In “A.I. On the Inside,” Friend Slash Lover (FSL) explores the impact of technology on our humanity. Set to vibrant 80s-inspired beats, the song poses the question: Have we allowed technology to define both our external and internal selves? FSL confronts this with lyrics like “we got high on our own supply and replaced ourselves with A.I.,” urging reflection on our tech-dependent lives.

The track marks FSL’s comeback after a decade, a period he describes as traumatic when he had to abandon an album in progress. Despite stepping away to focus on a business venture, the pull of music became irresistible a year and a half ago, prompting him to make room for its return, “I quit music 10 years ago to concentrate on launching a business but the need to write songs and record, rehearse and play live inevitably came roaring back about a year and a half ago,” the artist explains. “I decided to make room for it and let it run wild.”

FSL, drawing from his Creative Director experience, infuses “A.I. On the Inside” with creative energy, signaling a mature and evolved artistic presence. The song not only invites dance but sparks introspection, shedding light on the impact of technology on our connections. FSL’s return promises a treat for fans, showcasing his refreshed depth and maturity in this nuanced musical comeback.

Friend Slash Lover’s next Los Angeles showcase is slated for November 4, 2023 at The Hotel Cafe. Tickets can be purchased online.
