Come DJ at the Dancing Astronaut virtual party on Turntable.fm
Turntable.fm is a new website that has become on of the hottest trendy virtual hangout spots for startups and tech savvy music aficionados on the web. You can join rooms from Twitter, Foursquare, Zynga, Facebook and now our room.
A maximum of 5 DJs at a time can sit on a deck and select a song to play. The queue rotates from left to right allowing each DJ to play one song before moving to the next DJ. As soon as one of the spots on the table are free, anyone from the dance floor can jump on the empty spot. To select a song, you can either choose a song from their very extensive catalogue or you can upload a song from your own computer. The upload functionality makes this a killer app.
You can click the “room info” tab to see the history of recent tracks played. This is a great way to discover new music.
When users click the “awesome” button, you accumulate points. When you achieve certain milestones, you get to unlock cool accessories.
Come party with us in the Dancing Astronaut room.
UPDATE: Due to the massive growth in popularity Turntable is experiencing, there are limitations being placed on new user signups. Last time we heard, you needed to have a Facebook friend who was a member in order to sign up. Patience, the party isn’t ending any time soon =)
Categories: Music