Bingo Players shift ‘State of Mind’ with music video for latest single While most acts in dance music are concerned with nailing their particular sound, Bingo Players have always managed to wear multiple masks. This can…
Candyland ft. Peter Dawson – Castle Of Affair (Original Mix) Santa Barbra-based electro/dubstep duo Candyland release the first single off their forthcoming Bring the Rain EP.
Beatport introduces Beatport Play remix contest platform, hopes to help up-and-comers Beatport has announced Beatport Play, a new platform to help up-and-coming musicians get their remixes out there by offering contests from big name DJs.
Bingo Players – Rattle (Original Mix) Released on their own Hysteria Records, the Bingo Players (Paul Bäumer & Maarten Hoogstraten) have certainly developed a signature sound that has become increasingly noticeable, especially on their latest track "Rattle."