Michael Calfan – Resurrection (Axwell’s Re-Cut Club Version)
There are different ‘tiers’ of house music. Call it a ranking system if you must, but certain tracks deserve to be played over and over again. For every transcendent track out there – a million items of trash that producers adamantly call ‘music’ need to be sifted through. For example, check out your iTunes, how much music do you have versus how much music you actually listen to? We are willing to bet that number is only a small fraction in comparison to the entire size of your library. Let’s dive into the details of how we comprise our tiers.
Tier 5 – “Absolute Trash”
This is the kind of shit that hurts your ears. When you listen to it – you think “why would this guy have ever wasted his time?” Hell, even the album art is God awful.
Tier 4 – “Good Effort…I Guess”
It isn’t terrible, but it’s still not good enough to be picked up by a label. Most of the time your friends who decide to become producers fall into this category. Here is what differentiates it from Tier 5 – you could actually envision yourself listening to it if a few tweaks were made.
Tier 3 – “I’ll Put It On My iTunes, But I Can’t Promise I’ll Listen To it Much”
Your favorite artists are subject to creating tracks that fit into this category. Initially you are excited, because you are thinking “Producer XXX has come out with a new single, can’t wait to buy it off Beatport!” Only to get mildly disappointed, because it isn’t an absolute banger. That being said – it’s good enough for a listen, but probably won’t be appearing on any playlists titled “Earection.”
Tier 2 – “Oh Fuck Yes”
You play it a lot. Everytime you go to a club or festival you love listening to it. It’s something you actively look for on your iPod or laptop. Certain people love this tune, most people like it. A ton of songs fit into this category each year, what separates the contenders from the pretenders are how many songs you can create that fall into the next tier.
Tier 1 – “Anthem Status”
Avicii’s “Levels.” Swedish House Mafia’s “Save The World.” Alesso’s remix of “Pressure.” And Michael Calfan’s “Resurrection” (Axwell’s Re-Cut Club Version). These are the type of tracks make your hair stand up on your arm. Goosebumps regularly flow through your system when this tier of song is played live. You can’t help it, you are in love.
The instrument that is known as the piano is amazing. No other instrument can take you to the heights that the piano regularly achieves. Without further ado – Michael Calfan’s “Resurrection” awaits you.
Via: Facebook (Axwell)
Purchase: Beatport
Categories: Music