Jack Novak shows us her new single ‘Driving Blind’ from the ground upImg Jack Novak 112827336339

Jack Novak shows us her new single ‘Driving Blind’ from the ground up

Some sounds are designed for main stage glory. Fireworks bursting over a crowd and hands in the air as far as the eye can see go along with a certain type of sound; a sound Jack Novak has nailed down on “Driving Blind.” Linking up with Bright Lights for an airy, vibrant main stage-primed hit, Jack Novak gives us an inside look at the making of the new track, giving us a step by step breakdown of her method, highlighting close attention to detail on the production front. Proving her prowess in the studio, Novak shows us the process by which she created her vivaciously melodic debut single from start to finish.

Novak delves into the stack of synths that make up the tune’s infectious main lead, giving the viewer each vantage point she took throughout the process of piecing it all together. From the EQs and plugins used to the layered kicks and piano melodies that tie it all together, Jack Novak’s upcoming single is the product of a finely tuned, skilled ear and meticulous attention to each element of the greater production. Novak brings the viewer into the studio to get a better perspective on how every moving part of the new track, along with Heather Bright’s powerful vocal contribution, come together on “Driving Blind”

The emerging WME recruit is beginning to find her footing in what is proving to be a promising solo endeavor. Expect Novak’s lead single alongside Bright Lights to hit on April 21st, and expect a consistent output of carefully curated, tirelessly refined productions to keep rolling in from Jack Novak as she continues to push her captivating sound to new places.

Read up on Jack Novak here.


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