Moog encourages boycott of Trump tariffs, could heavily impact manufacturer and jobsMoogfest 2017 Stephanie Leathers 2

Moog encourages boycott of Trump tariffs, could heavily impact manufacturer and jobs

Synthesizer manufacturer company Moog is asking that its customers boycott the new Trump tariff.

A 60-year legacy company, Moog relies heavily raw components from China for the construction of its equipment. Although it is primarily a US-produced company, Moog will be virtually unable to avoid a substantial cost increase because of the new Trump tariffs.

The tariffs will directly and drastically increase the cost of building Moog instruments, in turn forcing the company to lay off American workers and perhaps even requiring that Moog to move some, if not all, of their manufacturing processes overseas.

As a result, the company is asking its customers to “convince the President that these Chinese tariffs cause serious damage to American workers like those at Moog and to rescind them immediately,” per a direct statement from the company’s newly launched support campaign. Moog’s new campaign also includes a template letter for its fans to directly support.

The Trump administration’s tariffs have been put in place to reduce their multi-billion dollar trade deficit with China.

H/T: Mixmag

Photo Credit: Stephanie Leathers

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