OWSLA’s Josh Pan confirms Skrillex is dropping new music this year following Fuji Rock Festival performanceSkrille Form Arcosanti 2015

OWSLA’s Josh Pan confirms Skrillex is dropping new music this year following Fuji Rock Festival performance

Skrillex returned to the festival circuit recently, taking on Japan’s Fuji Rock with a widely acclaimed hiatus-ending performance. Warming an enormous crowd for Kendrick Lamar’s headlining slot, Skrillex’s set came littered with personal edits, mash-ups, newer material, canonized Skrillex classics, and best of all — a handful of brand new, yet-to-be-identified burners. While nearly everyone, from Fuji Rockers in Japan to eager viewers and listeners across the world, were just enamored to see the OWSLA honcho’s first main stage DJ set of the year, one onlooker in particular — Josh Pan — had their mind set on what’s coming next. The proverbial “soon” passed around by Skrillex fans seems to be closer than anyone thought, and those unidentified new tracks may be getting their names in the very near future.

OWSLA’s Josh Pan confirms Skrillex is dropping new music this year following Fuji Rock Festival performanceSkrille Reddit Josh Pan Dancing Astronaut

In a social media post, in which Pan confirms new music of his own, the young experimentalist couldn’t help but share some words of endearment about his label head, though some key words in his post jump right off the screen,

“We’re both about to put out some crazy music this year. He’s back!!!!”

This year. He’s back.

It has been four years since Moore’s seminal studio debut, Recessand it didn’t take long for fans to start calling for more. And while the former screamo frontman has delivered a steady stream of material in the last near half decade since his first LP, we haven’t been treated to a cohesive body of Skrillex work like Recess since. As it goes, earlier this year Diplo confirmed Jack Ü could once again return, though only after Skrillex finishes a full-length project he’s working on. We can take Diplo’s words at face value, though without any concrete details, the story behind Skrillex’s sophomore LP remains unsubstantiated. Now, with Josh Pan’s keen choice of words, it looks like “soon,” may finally have an expiration date.

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